Onunu is a popular Indigenous delicacy among  the Southern part of Nigeria. It’s a special traditional delicacy served during traditional wedding ceremonies among the Kalabari and Okirika people of Rivers state, Nigeria. The delicacy is locally called Temburu it involves pounding a mixture of yam with ripe plantain and palm oil with a pinch of salt. The delicacy is served with fresh fish pepper-soup traditionally called Odufulo. This mashed delicacy is usually chewed as against the habit of swallowing mashed delicacy.

 Ingredients Onunu and fish pepper Soup:

-       Medium slice yam (depends on the number of guest you want to serve)

-       Medium size plantain

-       Tablespoon palm oil

-       ¼ teaspoon salt


Ingredients for Onunu & Fish Pepper-soup

Preparation Method Onunu  and Fish Pepper:

-       Peel and cut yam into small cubes and boil.

-       Peel Plantain, cut into sizable pieces add to the boiling yam after 5 minutes

-       Add salt when yam and plantain is almost cooked.

-       Cook both until soft.

-       Pound both with a mortar pistol until lump less, and add palm oil and mix properly  until  it turns yellow.

( Onunu) Mixture of Yam & Ripe plantain with palm oil

How to make fish pepper soup :

-       2 pieces fresh fish

-       Onions blended

-       Tomatoes

-       Fresh pepper

-       Seasoning to taste

-       Scent leave or curry leave

-       Salt to taste

Method of preparation Onunu and Fish Pepper soup:

-       Season fish with fresh pepper, seasoning cubes marinade for 30 minutes.

-       Steam fish for 5 minutes with low heat and set aside.

-       Heat palm oil. Fry onion until light brown

-       Add tomatoes, pepper to fry for 10 minutes

-       Add seasoning and taste for salt and pepper.

-       Add the fresh fish, curry leaves and the fish stock and cook with low heat to cook the fish.

-       Once the fish is cooked, it is ready to serve with onunu.

Onunu & Fish pepper soup ready 

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